Friday, November 21, 2008

Private library

Not so private libraries

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The making of a sea orchestra

For United Airlines, one of their many new animated ads. You can see the results here.

Where can you find a superhero when you need one?

Ah! Here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Louis Armstrong collages

"When not pressing the valves on his trumpet or the record button on his tape recorder, Armstrong’s fingers found other arts with which to occupy themselves. One of them was collage, which became a visual outlet for his improvisational genius. The story goes that he did a series of collages on paper and tacked them up on the wall of his den, but Lucille, who had supervised the purchase and interior decoration of their house in Corona, Queens, objected. Armstrong decided to use his extensive library of tapes as a canvas instead, and the result is a collection of some five hundred decorated reel-to-reel boxes, one thousand collages counting front and back." Read the rest of the article here.