Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Peter Pan, in pink

Molly Ringwald pens a remembrance of John Hughes in today's Times. I was unaware of his relationship to Hollywood and the arc of his career. On the other hand, I am still aware of how much his films meant to me during the time I was living in Boston. I clung to his films (and, perhaps, a stage of my youth) like security blankets. Ringwald's words bring another level of intimacy to the work and to the man. John Hughes, RIP.

Tryin’ to keep it real

Peter Lindbergh has a portfolio of eight supermodels in September's Bazaar shot with minimal makeup and retouching. Larger scans can be found at

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Katie Couric rocks

They've been doing this for a while, but I just caught up. Check out Katie at 1:45, right after the Biggie reference. "You can be Lady Gaga I can be T-Pain we can be bringing on the boogie droppin' rhymes like rain."

if IKEA were a vintage bookstore

The covers would look something like this.

Monday, August 10, 2009

At the drive-in

Time magazine has a gallery of photographs taken at drive-ins from the past 75 years. I first saw Star Wars at a drive-in. It was a double-feature with a film featuring stop motion dinosaurs.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Patterns with light

Peter Buning "illuminates the environment with shadow pantomimes."