Thursday, October 16, 2003

Go Go Yubari

I saw Kill Bill the other night. I didn't think it was a great film (or even a particularly good one) but it was a lot of fun and there are great parts to it. It's like a collage where the whole is less than the sum of its parts. Be that as it may, I loved Go Go Yubari, who's my favorite character in the film. I wish they'd put together a Go Go anime or something. I think I liked her also because the actress was in Battle Royale (which, incidentally, I thought was a lot more violent than KB. You can read a somewhat long-winded review of Kill Bill here and one of Battle Royale here. For the latter you'll have to scroll down a bit since I posted that before I started using "A name" tags and I don't want to put them in now due to version control.

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