Friday, February 27, 2004

Tunes for the week

Kanye West's College Dropout is one of the best hip hop albums to drop in a while. I can listen to it from beginning to end without feeling that there's a ton of filler taking up space. And even the skits are funny. For the most part. Between this and The Grey Album, 2004 is already shaping up to be a pretty good year. Burger/Ink's Las Vegas is a collaboration between Jorg Burger and Mike Ink. It's an electronica album bearing some resemblance to Monolake, but with a little more going on. Xiu Xiu's Fabulous Muscles mixes electronics and experimental rock into a fascinatingly creepy album. Red Hot Chili Peppers' Blood Sugar Sex Magik is an album I had heard in the past but for some reason this past week I was suddenly into it in a way I'd never been in the past. The mix of metal and funk was exactly what the good doctor ordered.
Most of the singles I've been rocking are from the Kanye West album, including "We Don't Dare," "Family Business," and "All Falls Down."

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