Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Criterion's next batch

Browsing Criterion's site, I noticed that they've announced a DVD version of Yasujiro Ozu's Tokyo Story. The set will include a two-hour documentary about the life and career of Ozu, featuring former assistant Shohei Imamura (director of The Pornographers, The Eel), critics Donald Richie and Tadao Sato, actors Chishu Ryu, Mariko Okada, and Haruko Sugimura, and others. What I would love for Criterion to do is release a three DVD box set of Satyajit Ray's Apu trilogy as well as Fellini's La Strada (which was announced last year but then pulled). Of La Strada, Fellini once called it "the complete catalogue of my entire mythological world."

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