Sunday, August 10, 2003

The life of Pi and I

The narrator of The Life of Pi claims that the story he will tell is one that will make you believe in God. Ed counters that it is one that will make you believe in the power of narrative. I subscribe to the latter. Though I'm not sure that the effect could have been achieved in fewer pages. Perhaps according to my custom of reading fiction of a country I am visiting, I finished Yann Martel's book while I visited Toronto this past weekend. I am just returned. I went to attend a wedding, which was outdoors and beautiful. The reception took the form of a brunch and I relaxed and ate with my friends on the verandah of the estate upon which the wedding was held. Family ate indoors. Once I have the time, I'll develop the film I took and print a few of the better pictures. Some might even find their way to my photo blog. When I arrived at the airport, I was surprised to find the friend with whom I stayed as pregnant as she was. She told me she was still four weeks from her delivery date, but her size made me wonder. I am expecting a birth announcement any day. Unfortunately, she wouldn't let me treat her husband and her to dinner or brunch and so I find my pockets stuffed with Canadian dollars. I've decided to keep it and find an excuse to return to Canada soon. You can read more about The Life of Pi here, including the first chapter, which takes on the form of an author's note, here. I am now, thanks to the generosity of the French maid, going to embark upon reading Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye.

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