Thursday, August 07, 2003

Step Into Liquid

I've long been fascinated by surfing. I've tried it only once and managed to catch only one wave, but there's something about the idea that still thrills me. Standing was out of the question. The same trip to California I watched Endless Summer with my friend Patty (who also has a thing for surfing). Now, the filmmakers have returned with Step Into Liquid, featuring some breathtaking cinematography that seamlessly moves from above ground to underwater and includes the highly anticipated footage from Cortez Banks. The film was announced a while ago and there used to be a much longer and cooler trailer than the one currently being used to advertise the film, but it only now seems to be coming out in wide release. At least the new trailer doesn't do the wavy type effect of the old one. If you have a fast connection, you can download the original trailer here. I think it's worth it, but then if I had the time and money I'd go to Costa Rica to surf school. The official site is here.

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